CoRE - Get peer assistance here with setting up Pistons

One last question…Is there now way to “copy a piston”. Have multiple lights with similar setups. Would like to just copy and edit devices.

I’ll probably sound cocky, but I have to say it: LOL



In fact I had smartlighting rules failing left and right from March-July.

After my rebuild of everything, SL started working again, however I have two SL rules in the last week fail. Had to go in and edit them and save them. No idea why.

to quote @ady624: ELH OH ELH

That being said, I do use SL because it’s official, it’s local, etc.

Now I am thinking about if I want to replicate some of the SL rules with Pistons - a way to check to see if predictable things worked and if not execute them with CoRE. The only thing is it would bring one issue with it - it would be hard to know when SL failed… perhaps setup Core to also notify when it catches SL asleep at the wheel.

In fact it would be awesome if there was a built in way to do this :wink:… select which SL rules to babysit, check boxes…

When it comes to ST, belt and suspenders are mandatory.


Yeah I meant that more from a “previous experiences with ST’s platform” viewpoint. CoRE has the recovery function that at this point may trump SL reliability, but the local aspect is still enticing, if it works when it should.


You’ll notice I said “hardly ever”… 99% remember???

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Damn, times are tough! 99%? I mean you’ve dropped by AT LEAST four nines in the last few months!


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I know right… what’s the world coming to? I’m blaming Bush… It’s all his fault!


I ran into an issue with the Lifx Scene integration. Its working as designed. However I recently added a new Scene using the Lifx app. But when I choose the Activate Lifx Scene option, CoRE doesn’t show the new scene in the list. Its like whatever list of scenes I had in there before got cached and instead needs to be refreshed each time it shows the list. Hopefully this is a quick fix, as I’d like to finish setting this up. :slight_smile: I’m using CoRE v0.3.15f.20161004. Edit: Also while you are at it can you look into why your list of Scenes show one that is selectable with no name - its just blank where the label goes. That is not the cause of this missing scene - as that has been there since the beginning - just wanted to mention it.

I have two questions / issues…

1 - About set color temperature and CoRE. I am getting strange behavior.

I have a RBG/W bulb, if I set to Blue and then CoRE calls setColorTemperature(2750), nothing happens. Over and over again, nothing.

If I change the bulb to a shade of white using the device in ST, say 5000K, then CoRE can change the color temperature just fine to 2750 (or anything else). It seems like setColorTemperature won’t do anything unless the bulb is already a shade of white.

Has anyone else seen this?

2 - It seems the max color temperature CoRE supports is 7000. LIFX bulbs go to 9000.

7000 was arbitrary. Set the max to 9000, I’ll update CoRE too. How does 9000°K look like? violet/black light?

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Sorry guys ive already searched but does anyone else have a problem with CoRe not changing the colour of Hue light bulbs?

I have a piston set up that when motion is detected, change colour of lights to warm light but all it does is turn them on with their previous setting.

any ideas?

It’s hard to tell with the camera but it is kind of like a black light.

Hi - I seem to have acquired a blank piston on my dash board and in my app. Its paused but has no actions. I can’t edit it in the app as its not listed. Any ideas how to get rid of it? Thanks in advance. Nik

Its grey on the dashboard and blank when opened. Sorry if this has been answered before :slight_smile:

Well just realized that SmartLights does not auto turn off locally either. It states it is in Beta and operates from the cloud so…why not use CoRE?

Never-the-less, I tried the grouping but I don’t see how to get three sets of Then…

Sorta need a If—>Then, But-If—>Then, Else (outside of these times, then wait 2 minutes, evaluate if no more motion, then turn off.

Easy enough to just do another piston that says from sunrise to sunrise or after 11pm to sunrise turn off if no motion.

In essence, I would like for during certain time periods, the light come on only at 30% and when the light changes greater than 30% then don’t change it back to 30% when detecting motion but turn off after 10 minutes but also after peak hours instead of 10 minutes then just wait 2 minutes.

I read the Wiki and it doesn’t look like this is possible.

Hi There all

How good is CoRE then?
So I have my 1st application for this amazing capability.
It intended to only activate the extractor when there is prolonged motion :wink:

MOTION_SENSOR remains ACTIVE for 30 secs
Wait 2 mins

So I have found a way to do this using a TRIGGER that STAYS ACTIVE but the minimum time is 1 minute.
Has anyone got a better suggestion?

I had this problem too. A recently created scene was not showing up. To fix it, I had to disable LIFX integration in the core settings menu, recreate a new token thingy in the LIFX cloud, and re-enable LIFX integration in core again. Then my newly created scenes were there.

Thanks for letting me know Eric. Hopefully @ady624 has a quick fix in mind.

Forgot to mention, just visit the LIFX integration pge and tap Next as if you are setting it up again - no need to disable and reenable. I could make CoRE update them on its own when you open it but then it would slow down all the time…

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Maybe use a recovery stage to refresh the scenes? Http request, high risk of running out of time waiting for LIFX…

I posted yesterday, but it seems like my question came in the middle of an unrelated CoRE issue so I don’t believe my question was seen by anyone. With that said, I’m going to go ahead and post it again to see if anyone has any ideas now that things have calmed down a bit.

I am having trouble setting up my first piston. Any time I set up some series of conditions and actions I get a red bar saying “An unexpected error occurred.” and I can’t seem to figure out why. It doesn’t matter what conditions I come up with. I tried to remove a piston and no matter how many times I click “Remove” they won’t remove.

Thanks for any help!