CoRE - Get peer assistance here with setting up Pistons

Isn’t this the section?

yes, practically the beginning. I did this, selecting alexa skills kit, then selecting next. But a long ways later at inputting the ARN into the skill configuration it apparently didn’t take. fortunately the error searched on this forum gave me an answer, so I’m giving feedback that that’s a snag point where maybe a note in the wiki about the meaning of the error (if it appears) might help. do with my feedback what you will.

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With CoRE and the “Send Push notification” action. Are there variables like %devicename%?

If you open the dashboard, you’ll see all of the available variables. $currentEventDevice etc…

I would assume there is, but I haven’t even got to the part where I’d pick what sort of condition I’m wanting to even check. I tap “Add a Condition” and then “Capability” and then “Camera.” Then I tap on “Camera List” and as soon as I select a camera it gives me that error–no list of capabilities or anything.

Tagging @RBoy as he’d have a much better idea of what it is capable of. Or should I just try adding it as a different type of device like a “switch” maybe?

Gotcha. That’s a good idea. I’ll put in a link to your post.

When you say the camera is on what does it mean? Is the monitoring for motion on? If so then yes it would be a switch interface. If it’s is it recording actively then there is no way to tell that currently

I want to have different levels (also different levels for different groups at the same time) of lights depending on Lux from my Aeon Multi Sensor.

Is there a more user friendly smartapp to manage that, than to program it from scratch in CoRE?

Also IF I am to use CoRE, how do I do a double check of the lux before changing light level?
Let’s say I have lux=500. Then a big cloud comes, and lux changes to 300, and since my level is 400, it turns up the light. The the cloud disapears in 5 minutes, and then the lights turn down again.
I want to avoid that “false”-positives like that, so the lux have to be stabile for like 3x5 minutes before it takes the desired action.
How to program that?

I know that this sounds simple but I am new to CoRE.

I currently use SmartLights for my lighting needs but finding it limited.

I have a hall light that I have set to the following:

Turn on and Set Level to 30% if Motion Sensor detects motion between 9pm and 6am.
Turn off if no motion is detected after 2 minutes.

The problem is, when I want to manually set the light to anything other than 30%, SmartLights keeps setting it back to 30% once it senses motion.

So I need it to still turn off after 2 minutes if it doesn’t sense motion AND not set it to 30% if the light is already on.

Thanks in advance!

I have something similar setup except for the If light is on part…

I would think that at the beginning of the piston you will need to have an IF light is not “ON” then…

Is there a way to move conditions around without having to redo them all? For instance if I have a piston setup and then I decide that I have to add a condition before the conditions that are already there, I seem to have to redo all the conditions to get the right order. Just wondered if there was an easier way?

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With Piston’s like this, I do a group under IF that has what you show, and use WHEN TRUE for the action, then do another condition that’s OR’d that simply says “Hall Motion Sensor motion is active.”

The way you have this, if motion goes inactive, for just a moment, but you still are IN the hall and want it to remain lit, and it’s between the allowed time, it will shut off. Adding the additional condition with NO action will allow a state change to keep the light on until there really is no motion within the 2 minute window of the Else If.

Nope, gotta do it all manually. I start a new group, add things one by one while looking at the Piston on another device, then remove the “wrong” bits. Makes it tolerable. I don’t believe the ST structure will allow this kind of thing. I know @ady624 has had this mentioned to him a number of times, and I’m sure he would have added that feature if it was possible.

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Experiment with this and see If It works. I haven’t tested it, but it should be close.

I think this one will work better for you. The first one is flawed.

So is this still an Else-IF Piston or is it just a Basic piston? I am very new to this but it is bringing back my days of programming in BASIC :yum:. It just gets complicated at times. Can you show me how this should look?

Oh sorry, didn’t notice the Else-If, you’d want this to be a Latching. That’s the most flexible (in my opinion) type for any kind of “toggle” action.

OK, I will try to work through this. Any suggestions for my problem that I posted up above?

Double checking on the use of a Follow-Up piston…

If I create a piston that says if the time is between 9PM and 11PM turn a light on, the piston will run and turn the light on at 9PM and maybe after every time I turn the light off.

If what I want is, when someone arrives and between 9PM and 11PM turn a light on I would do the following?

Routine “Someone Arrives” runs, routine does nothing.
A piston fires when “Someone Arrives” which runs another piston that says if time is between 9PM and 11PM turn the light on.

It will only run when fired by the other piston and not just because it is between 9 & 11, right?


Do you want The light to stay on the entire time period?
How long do you want the light to stay on when triggered by an arrival?