CoRe basic piston triggered but nothing happens

Sorry to say this, but its your best option!

Look for something a bit less propitiatory.

Just an update for anyone interested I fixed it or at least got it to work.

Beforet the Speak Text action I added a turn on action and a set volume to 35% and changed the speak action to Speak Text And Resume.

Viola, all good now.

Thanks everyone for your contributions!

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@els78 I am having the same problem with my Samsung R1. What are the exact command names you used? I don’t have a ‘set volume’ in my CoRE list.

‘Turn On’
‘Set level’ ??
‘Play text and resume’

Set level 100.
Speak text and resume at 50% volume.

And it works.

My Samsung Radius R1 works great except when I used it with the standard Speek Text, I had a piston working with another speaker but using DLNA, but it needed a different command. I used Speak Text and resume. Below is my Piston for my mailbox.