CoRE and Piston Rules Engine, first design steps

@ady624, well what should I say no failures today - might be worth checking the routines for between/not in between - you said they should work fine but to me it looks that might be the issue - as I said I used 6.30-22.30 not in 22.30-6.30 … Now 6.30-22.30 or 22.31-6.29 and havent had a fault yet … Still waiting and will report back but so far looking good. v.04c

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The “is not between” literally uses the “is between” and negates it. Time scheduling may be different though. I will look at that when I get home.

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I mean if its a caveat it just needs to be documented and/or the is not between option removed/altered for scheduling …

I confirm there is a problem with the time scheduling for “is not between”. Will fix.

Next time below should be today 8:04pm… It’s 6:29am tomorrow instead…

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Perfect another one identified and sorted … Cant be long for beta1 now :hugs:


Sorry, don’t know about RGBA… But yes, they are png

Alpha? Transparent around the gears and pistons?

v0.0.04f.20160527 - Alpha test version - We have an official icon! Also, fixed a problem with time scheduling for “not in between”, fixed a potential problem with casting null values.

@bamarayne @r4nd0m


@r4nd0m I am actually happy when it’s a bug. i’d hate it if the whole construction was unstable due to ST. I think ST was amazingly steady lately. Except for my OSRAM RGBW bulb going Json needs to start with { on me when using on()… I was like wtf?! :wink: I think somebody was playing with the Zigbee RGBW DTH… Haven’t seen that error in a few days now. It came and went on its own…

Got another one not working as (I) expected:


Bath Motion changes to active

Use Bathroom Light -> Turn on

And If
Bath Motion stays active for at least 2 minutes

Use Bath Fan -> Turn on

Use Bath Light -> Wait 2 -> Turn off
Use Bath Fan -> Wait 10 -> Turn off

The Light turns on then follows the else, regardless of motion being constant or 15 seconds on/off throughout the timelimit. Keeping constant motion from the onset also does not activate the And If. I don’t believe I want Or If as the fan should ONLY come on if the Light remains on with motion. Do I instead maybe use “did not change”? (Edit: Dawned on me this probably means the last two minutes and not next 2.) I’m testing now, and typing while waiting for timeouts. :slight_smile:

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“stays” is not working yet. I’ll concentrate on finishing up the variable triggers and the “stays” triggers, I promise :slight_smile:

Family time this weekend, so don’t expect much

Meanwhile, I have made my first piston that on a door status change it saves the value into a variable (“open” or “closed”) and then uses that variable to load a light’s switch attribute from it. Light turns on when door opens, turns off when door closes.

IF door switch changes (save event value on true into {doorStatus})
THEN using light, load attribute switch from variable {doorStatus}

:slight_smile: Typical usage would be to make lights “grouped” so turning any one on, turns all on, turning anyone off, turns all off. Also level, etc. etc.

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v0.0.050.20160527 - Alpha test version - Load Attribute from variable done and partially tested. Missing: color support - this is a complex data type…


Glad to know, and I sure have enough other things to try over the weekend. The piston I mentioned flat out won’t “auto cancel” turning off the light if the motion sensor stays active. A simple piston works fine. Is that feature only available with the simple? I can do the cancel on state change, but that still (obviously) doesn’t help when motion stays active anyway. So many options… :dizzy_face:

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Well the stays trigger isn’t doing its job. It’s supposed to work like this.

Switch stays on for at least 2 minutes

Switch turns on >>> set a time event for two minutes, return evaluation as false
Switch turns off during the wait time >>> cancel all pending events
But if the switch really stays on for the two minutes, the time trigger comes in, identify the source trigger (switch turns on). This time, evaluate true if the switch is still on. Bam!

So like you see, it’s a bit more complicated than a simple switch == ‘on’…

But it’s coming… :wink:


Is it possible to create tasks using both location and devices? Just wondering because when the location toggle is switched on the device options disappear.

EDIT: Nevermind figured it out.

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Is anyone else using a power meter in their system? I’m trying to nature down what’s going on with mine.

Use is basically this… Power meter raises above 1 watt, turn on stuff. Power meter drops before 1 watt, turn off stuff. I can’t get it to consistently detect the power changes and I’m getting generic have.class error in the logs.

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I’ve created one Piston with a power meter, have not extensively tested but it was working ok last night. It’s in the other CoRE thread. Uses it as a condition, not trigger. Will be trying a few triggers this weekend.

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Even though you figured it out, for all who have the same question, just add multiple actions.

Still getting errors? Even with .04f+?

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Hello all,

OK, curious to see if someone would like to take a shot at this use case

If between sunset and sunrise
If Any of 3 doors opens, turn on lights
Door closes, light stays on
If Any of the same 3 doors opens, again leave lights on
when the door closes, turn off lights

This one is affectionately known as the Doggie Door Light that @bamarayne so expertly created in RM

Thanks in advance