Cooper Aspire RF syncing master and auxiliary switches

Did some additional searching and figured it out. The minimote I purchased (DSA03202 v1) need the firmware upgraded first which makes the lower left unlabeled button the “associate” button. Do a google image search for AEON LABS minimote and you’ll see the difference.

I added the minimote to my home hub although I’m not sure I really needed to do that.

I did six separate associations, exiting association mode after each step.

  1. Master+Acc1
  2. Acc1+Master
  3. Master+Acc2
  4. Acc2+Master
  5. Acc1+Acc2
  6. Acc2+Acc1

Scroll down to the section of this minimote manual for instructions on Associating Z-Wave Lights/Switches/Gateways to Z-Wave Sensors in the Network.