Let me know if this the wrong place for these feedback items:
Trane TZEMT400BB3 thermostat
The Fan button can change the fan to On from Auto, but it cannot change it back to Auto
The cool/heat/emer heat/off button is almost impossible to read (light grey on grey button)
The coolpoint smartapp set seems to set it to 83 regardless of what the app sets it to - thermostat bug?
Multi sensor
There’s a number ‘1020’ in the detail display for the multisensor - what does that mean?
General smart things:
I haven’t paired many devices with it yet, but the ‘home’ display just has the status of the particular smart thing, and not the name of the device. Once we have a bunch of multi sensors, does it show the name in the status display?
The application has already crashed once (I said yes to send bug report) and I’ve had to force quit it twice due to it not responding.
Tapping on the large green/blue icon (for multisensor, iphone presence, thermostat, etc) does nothing. I see that you can tap and hold to re-arrange, but a tap by itself should do something - maybe force a re-poll or something?
Either the main status screen or the detail screen should very clearly delineate which buttons are ‘doers’ - i.e, the fan button in the thermostat’ and which buttons are ‘readers’ - the temperature in the thermostat and the open/closed in the multi sensor.
I have many more of these sorts of things, this is just the first few hours of playing with it.
I have zwave thermostat 3M. Same issues like you, in addition to this.
If I press cool/heat and it lands on OFF, I can not put it back to other modes. Also annoying part is after ST is synced with thermostat, it completely messed up it’s internal scheduling and sets heat to 60 and cool to 93 for some reason.
- The Fan button can change the fan to On from Auto, but it cannot change it back to Auto
- The cool/heat/emer heat/off button is almost impossible to read (light grey on grey button)
- The coolpoint smartapp set seems to set it to 83 regardless of what the app sets it to – thermostat bug?
So yet a few more things on day 2:
When looking into a device (multi sensor in this case), you can hit ‘explore’ to find out apps that “work well with it”. Fine, so I do that and get a list of apps. Then I click on one of those and it gives me more detail on that app. However, when I push the back button, it goes back to the device screen instead of to the list of apps.
Someone at smart things needs to step up QA on apps. For the multi sensor, for example, there is a ‘notify me when’ app, and a ‘mail arrived’ app that says ‘send a text message when mail arrives in your mailbox using smart sense multi on your mailbox door’. This seems to be exactly the same thing that the ‘notify me when’ app does, so it’s just clutter.
Aaron, I agree on the redundant apps that have same functionality but different names. Also, to show the name of the sensor, shake your phone and the names appear for a short while. Another way to organize is to like sensors into categories based on the room they are in. Example “living room” might have a motion sensor, temp sensor and thermostat. Not ideal but its a start and how I’ve noticed the dude in the videos organization his app
Shaking it to show the name of the sensor is completely non-intuitive (to me). Was this in one of the videos (which I admit I watched 0 of?) N.B: Videos for things that can be explained with screenshots and text are horrible, as I have to wait through the whole video to find the information I’m looking for. Where is the category information?All I can find quickly is locations which I don’t think is the same thing…
More feedback:
In the ‘Locations’ screen under ‘settings’ the icons at the top are wrong. According to UI guidelines, I think the one at the left should be a back arrow, and the one on the right should be the three lines to reorganize lists. The square with a pen is ‘compose’ or something similar, but that brings up the rearrange/delete item mode.
@Aaronw, have you had any more luck getting your Trane TZEMT400BB3NX thermostat to work as expected?
Hi igen. Yep a later release of the app and site fixed those issues. I haven’t experimented with it very much recently (not enough time) but it js definitely improved since I wrote this post. I would definitely recommend the Trane now.