Cheap Motion Sensor (UK)

I am thinking of buying one of the Xiaomi Motion sensors to replace a smartthings motion sensor. The smartthings sensor is a trigger for a light bulb but I have to pull the battery (durracell) out daily for it to start working again.

If you click on the link for the DTH it leads to a page with a truncated version (Xiaomi Zigbee Door/Window Sensor, Motion Sensor, & Smart Button Device Type [beta]). A 404 occurs when trying to get the full version.

Does anyone have a copy of the DTH?

If you go to github and then put a search in for a4refillpad you should find the dth’s for all the xiaomi sensors that a4refillpad has compiled.

Thank you :grinning:

Hey, sorry to open a dead thread but I was wondering if anyone knew if the Panasonic Smart Home Motion Sensor worked with smartthings? They are cheaper than fibraro which tends to be my go to…

Sorry can’t answer your question but I’d definitely recommend the Xiaomi ones. Picked 2 up for £18 off GearBest and I haven’t been disappointed.