Changing mode manually by virtual device

Hi all,
I am wanting to be able to change the mode manually. I understand there are two basic approaches: 1. using a routine to set the mode, and 2. creating a virtual device. I’ve been reading about the Alexa Helper and that sounds a lot like how I want to go about it. However, I don’t have an Echo, and no plans to add one. Nonetheless, I started following the steps described on this page: FAQ: Adding Mode Control Switches (all platforms) . I created 4 momentary switches and created a new room to put them in. Then the next step listed goes into the Alexa Helper, and the more I investigated that, the more I became uncertain if that is really what I should do given that I don’t have an Echo. I guess my question is: Is there a different set of steps for this if Echo integration is not what I’m after? I just want to be able to go to the new room, and press the momentary switch to change the mode as desired.
Thanks much for any pointers!