Cannot Update Name of Mode

I can’t seem to update / modify the name of a Mode – either in the ST App itself or in the IDE.

In the ST App, no button appears to “save” the new name. The only option I’m left with is to go back to the home screen – and when I do I get a warning that I will lose any changes.

In the IDE, I see this error message when I click the update button:

Is this a known issue? Does anyone else have this problem?


So it appears that the name of the mode was (kinda) updated in the IDE after all (despite the error shown above). BUT - the ST App (iOS) didn’t update it until I logged out and back in. And even then, my smartapps would list both the “old” version of the name and the “new” version - which would only go away if I chose “All Modes” and then the “new” version of the name.