Can a motion detector cause Google Home to play a sound?

I used the first piston and tried to clean it to match my devices (no motion sensor, 1 back door, 1 media player so no location needed). When I ask Google about my back door, it says the back door is open. But the ST status shows closed. Where did I miss it?
And I’ll take a look at your second piston. But this helps me a lot. And a reason to add more motion sensors and media players. :slight_smile:

Delete the first if statement. Your piston should just start with the If IFTTT executes ‘doors’

Ah yes. That’s what I get for trying to do this from my phone. Thanks!
Maybe I should ask what other great pistons you have! :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: I haven’t got anything else at the moment using GH. Most of my other pistons are to handle automatic lighting and security. I do want to look at getting GH to alert us when the house alarm is about to be armed and give us an option to turn it off by voice - but I haven’t had time to try that yet.
I have found that less is more when getting GH to talk to you about your home. The family quickly tires of the novelty and get sick of hearing Google telling them things they already know - so my advice would be to keep it to a minimum and make it useful.

Makes sense. This was my first time to use webhooks with Webcore so I’m excited to jump into that more

Can you post the Piston you’re using to accomplish this?

Hi Chris,

Please see my post a few posts above this:

That gives you the IFTTT and WebCoRE details to set that up.

Do you mind sharing a snapshot of your auto volume piston. Been trying to do this for a while now and haven’t been able to accomplish it.

Sure - I got the original piston details from someone else’s idea and then modified it slightly to suit my needs:

Set the allSpeakers variable to contain all of your speaker devices, The start and end times to reflect the period of time when the daytimeVolume is used and then the volumes for day and night time.

The sonosTimeOut value is the number of minutes after a speaker stops playing something that the volume is set.

Yep you definitely can. Install cast-web api, then setup up a WAMP server and adding .mp3 files to a folder. I created a step by step guide here, if you’re still interested: