Camera startstream Test suite failed


this is failed Test suite:

2024-09-24T17:05:21.317+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] (/f187951b-1bf8-4727-9768-799a0e392a87/main/motionSensor/0/0/initialize) (Initialize states) [EXCLUDED]: Initialize states Excluded by User
2024-09-24T17:05:22.335+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] (/f187951b-1bf8-4727-9768-799a0e392a87/main/motionSensor/0/0/command) (Send command and Validate) [EXCLUDED]: Send command and Validate Excluded by User
2024-09-24T17:05:23.938+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] (/f187951b-1bf8-4727-9768-799a0e392a87/main/motionSensor/0/1/initialize) (Initialize states) [EXCLUDED]: Initialize states Excluded by User
2024-09-24T17:05:24.952+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] (/f187951b-1bf8-4727-9768-799a0e392a87/main/motionSensor/0/1/command) (Send command and Validate) [EXCLUDED]: Send command and Validate Excluded by User
2024-09-24T17:05:27.506+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] (/f187951b-1bf8-4727-9768-799a0e392a87/main/videoStream/0/0/command) (Send command and Validate) [IN_PROGRESS]: Send command and Validate Reproduction Steps: Change Video Stream by using startStream Expected Result: Stream should be set to any valid stream
2024-09-24T17:05:27.506+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] (/f187951b-1bf8-4727-9768-799a0e392a87/main/videoStream/0/0/command) (Send command and Validate) [IN_PROGRESS]: Send command and Validate Sent command to SmartThings: startStream:
2024-09-24T17:05:27.506+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] (/f187951b-1bf8-4727-9768-799a0e392a87/main/videoStream/0/0/command) (Send command and Validate) [IN_PROGRESS]: Send command and Validate Missed required event stream:any valid stream on: main:videoStream
2024-09-24T17:05:27.506+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] (/f187951b-1bf8-4727-9768-799a0e392a87/main/videoStream/0/0/command) (Send command and Validate) [IN_PROGRESS]: Send command and Validate Final state {“OutHomeURL”: “rtsp://”, “InHomeURL”: “rtsp://”} mismatch with requirement: stream:any valid stream on: main:videoStream
2024-09-24T17:05:27.506+08:00[Asia/Shanghai] (/f187951b-1bf8-4727-9768-799a0e392a87/main/videoStream/0/0/command) (Send command and Validate) [FAILED]: Send command and Validate Some events didn’t happen: [stream:any valid stream on: main:videoStream] Some states aren’t final: [stream:any valid stream on: main:videoStream]

this is all response:


question :slight_smile:
smarthings app stratstream success, but the test suite keeps failing, may I ask what specific parameters are missing?

Hi, @wunan_li
Can you provide more details, please?

I’m guessing you’re working with a Cloud-Connector since you use st.videoStream, right?

So, the first logs are from your service and the info sent in “commandResponse” is what should start the streaming but it doesn’t work in the app, correct?

  1. I’m guessing you’re working with a Cloud-Connector since you use st.videoStream, right?
    th second logs is commondresponse for smarthings app, this is ok in samrthings app

  2. i will do Apply for Certification,but this Test sute is failed;
    the first logs is here: certification console → Test suite

For stratStream, I wonder how I can pass the Test suite

Hi, @wunan_li
Thank you for the additional information.
So, based on your message above you’re updating the stream attribute in the capability, dnd the SmartThings app displays the video correctly, right?

The engineering team mentioned they will release some changes in the Test Suite soon to help with this error, so, you just need to make sure you’re updating the stream attribute correctly. Once the release is done I’ll let you know to retry the test.

Hi, @wunan_li
The engineering team mentioned they released the changes today, so, please help us try again to see if the test is passed now.

it is ok,thank you;

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