Bug in timeTodayAfter

@Jim, this one’s for you. According to the documentation

Gets a Date object for the specified input that is guaranteed to be after the specified starting date.

Date timeTodayAfter(String startTimeString, String timeString [, TimeZone timeZone])

So this code should return the time input by the user (10:59 AM) but with tomorrow’s date:

input “endTime”, “time”, title: “End Time”

def scheduledEnd = timeTodayAfter(endTime, endTime, location.timeZone) // Get the time for tomorrow

Instead it return today’s date with the time selected by the user. (Thu May 19 2016 10:59 EDT)

Looking at the debug settings the input time as stored in settings is:


Potential issue is when the input is taken from the user it is stored with a past date (2014-11-14 as you can see, and I entered this on 2015-5-19). So timeTodayAfter returns today date because the starting date is 2 years ago.

Either the documentation is incorrect or the functionality is broken.

@slagle @jody.albritton FYI please

FYI even this doesn’t work, this should guarantee that the starting date is todays’s date so it should return the next date, but it doesn’t, so it may be a bug with the platform implementation

def scheduledEnd = timeTodayAfter(timeToday(endTime), endTime, location.timeZone) // Get the time for tomorrow