[OBSOLETE] Wink Relay - Custom SmartThings Integration


Hard reset of a relay

  1. While holding top right switch (physical button) on Relay, press soft reset button underneath faceplate
  2. Continue holding top right button until “System recovery” screen appears
  3. Press bottom switch twice, or until “wipe data/factory reset…” is highlighted
  4. Press top switch once to select “wipe data/factory reset…” option
  5. Screen will display message - “Confirm wipe of all user data? THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE”
  6. Using bottom switch, navigate down until “Yes - - delete all user data” is selected
  7. “Wiping data… Formatting /data…” screen will appear, followed by original “System recovery” screen
  8. Press top switch to select “Reboot system now” option. “ERROR” may appear on screen, this is normal.
  9. Relay will reboot, and should eventually load main Relay home screen. If home screen does not load, Relay may require one more soft-reset (press button under faceplate).