[NO LONGER WORKING] Curb Energy Monitor Integration

Do you have any sensors in CURB app not mapped to anything ? They will show up as NULL in this app… A single CURB device should generate 18 Devices in ST (16 sensors, MAIN and Other). Latest App does not map Mains A and Mains B (just creates a Mains combined reading)

If you have more than 18 devices listed, then there is additional data coming from CURB servers…

This is a very interesting observation, @BatraD. I have all of my sensors in use, so un-mapped sensors have never been tested. I just pushed a small change which I’m hoping will catch this condition. @westbrook215 would you mind updating and testing again?

After resetting the smartapp, I’m not getting a new error message (see below). I assume that the “Could not get location info” means the Curb location and not the Smartthings location. Any thoughts/ideas on how to resolve would be greatly appreciated.

11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:23:44 PM: debug Already Connected
11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:23:44 PM: debug authPage()
11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:22:51 PM: debug Usage from Historical Response Error: Failed with status code 403
11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:22:51 PM: debug Getting Usage (from Historical)
11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:22:51 PM: debug Usage Response Error: Failed with status code 403, falling back to historical
11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:22:51 PM: debug Getting Usage (from Historical)
11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:22:51 PM: debug Usage Response Error: Failed with status code 403, falling back to historical
11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:22:51 PM: debug Getting Usage
11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:22:51 PM: error Could not get location info: groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: Not Found
11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:22:50 PM: debug Requesting Curb location info
11c0ce68-111-11f5-afb8-07f114d54cce 1:22:50 PM: debug Got POST response: [token_type:Bearer, expires_in:86400, refresh_token:

Thank you so much for putting this together. I purchased the Curb right after it was released and while it’s cool, I’ve been largely underwhelmed by their lack of updates. This is really cool to be able to see the data in SmartThings. I assume I can use this data as part of routines in CoRE and other places. I’ll play with it.

So far so good though, and nice easy serup using the Connect version.

Again, thanks for your efforts.

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Hi guys.

Does anyone know if this is still working?

I added the Device Handler, published.

I added the Smart App, published. Enabled OAUTH.

I added in SmartThings app. Logged into Curb.

Waited for a while and nothing appeared.


Hi @wyattbellis,
This project is alive and well. As far as I can tell, everything is currently running as it should and the instructions are up to date on the github. I just installed the app from scratch and it all went smoothly. If you are still having trouble, a good place to start is to pull up the “Live Logging” page on the API and watch what goes by as you install the app and log it in to your curb account.
Good luck!

Hey @jh0. thanks for replying so fast.

I hav reinstalled and no go.

What can i do to troubleshoot?


From your screenshot, it looks like you might be using the new ST app, is that right? If so, you may be the first person to try using it to set up Curb Connect. Do you have the ST Classic app installed? You might have better luck getting Curb Connect going with it.

I’ve never even tried the new ST app, but I’ll give it a shot and let you know if I can find/fix the problem.

I am using SmartThings classic, not the new one. I have logs. Can I send directly to you?

I tried uninstalling and going through it again but more slowly. Get the same result. Definitely made sure I typed in my Curb login credentials carefully.

I see in the logs there is still the same error:

“Usage Response Error: Failed with status code 500, falling back to historical”

Also, no devices are created. I tried to create a device manually, but it does not get any data.

I am using SmartThings Classic app (I don’t think the new one is near ready for use yet!).

Any ideas on what I could try next? I followed the instructions to the letter.


Well it certainly looks as though you’re doing everything right. It appears that some part of the polling is making it all the way to curb, so the authentication tokens are set up right, but other calls are failing. I’ve seen similar symptoms in the past when the curb cloud is having issues, but it has always been the same problems for all the users. As far as I can tell everything is working on my account. Either way, the app should still create the devices for the individual sensors… So, let’s get some more info: Go into the smart app code and uncomment (delete the //) lines 353 and 403. Republish and see if you’re getting anything new printed in the log. You will hopefully see a big print that includes all sorts of info on your curb sensors.

No change. I uninstalled and did a clean install again with those lines uncommented. Same results. Did not create any devices and no info on any of the curb sensors.

If I go to “Add Devices”, choose “Add Device manually”, “Other” and choose “Curb” (the official thing), everything adds correctly. All sensors are found and added correctly.

For some reason, this one does not work. I wanted to use this one since the official Curb one does not report sensor correctly, so I cannot add a tile to actiontiles with the official one.

Hmm… something odd is happening. Sorry I don’t have a quick fix, but I appreciate the feedback and help working through the issue.

First, I have added a bunch of extra error prints for error cases I had not seen during development. Please update to the latest and see if you see any errors in the log. If not, try un-commenting lines 353, 358, 408 and 412 and let me know what you see. If you’d prefer to take the debugging to DMs, you’re welcome to message me the log contents.

Second, I haven’t tried the “official” integration, but it’s interesting it mostly works. When I created this project there wasn’t an official way to get the data from Curb into ST. I worked directly with the folks at Curb and our eventual plan was that they would fork my repo (which they did) and create an official integration published with ST. Sounds like they may have gotten there! I’ll try it out and see what I can learn.

Hello Justin, thanks for the handler. I tried to connect the Curb to ST today and I would like to do option one (curb connect option).

so I published the Curb Power Meter successfully. I tried to publish the Curb Connect from the below link:

and I get the following error:

Groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: script_dth_metadata_a4ccef02_3d33_46a9_8b0c_88e5cb5495a7.appSetting() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [clientId] Possible solutions: typeSetting(java.lang.String), typeSetting(java.util.Map), typeSetting(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), getSettings(), setSettings(java.lang.Object), typeSetting(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.List)

Can you please let me know how to fix this?

Hi @bbt! Can you confirm that you are using the Curb (Connect) SmartApp, not the (deprecated) CurbBridge app? Also, which version of the SmartThings app are you using? I just re-tested the setup process with against a fresh location using the new ST app and everything connected correctly. This issue is not something I’ve seen before, so any additional output from the live logging page you can provide would be helpful.

Hi @jh0, thanks for your response. I am trying to publish this handler and am using the new ST app. Here is what I did.

  1. Googled to find the handler for Curb
  2. I found the instruction.
  3. I found this page with the list of handlers
  4. From the above list, I tried to publish “curb-connect.src”, but I got the mentioned error
  5. Then I tried to publish “curb-power-meter.src”, no issue
  6. I tested “curb-connect.src” again, the same error showed up
  7. I tested “curb-bridge.src” to see if it can be published; it did, no issue
  8. Tried to add Curb to the new ST app. It added successfully. Now, it shows all the CTs in the ST app
  9. When I click on any of the CTs (like Dryer) on the ST app, this message pops up “We need to download an add-on to help you get the most from your Dryer” CANCEL or DOWNLOAD. And of course, when I choose “download”, it says “Couldn’t download controller for…”

I knew I needed to do more steps if I wanted to use the CurbBridge, so I deleted the CurbBridge handler and searched for a newer handler for Curb Connect, in case I was using the older version. I found “smartapps” (link in my previous post) but it seems the Curb Connect handler is the same version and the same error pops up.

I am getting a few pages of debugging on the live logging page. Is there any way I can DM you (or you can DM me and I attach those)?