[BETA] Lutron Caseta Integration using Raspberry Pi (Pro or Standard Bridge) [DEPRECATED--See new Release thread instead]

Hey sorry for the delay. So what I need you to do is add a line in the python script: I am not sure if you have a pro or non pro hub but here is what lines 145-155 should look like:

        body = json.dumps(json.JSONDecoder().decode(response)) 
        if (body.find("PRO") != -1):
            print "Pro Bridge Found"
            print body
            return body
        elif (body.find("BDG") != -1):
            print "Standard Bridge Found"
            print body
            return body
    except ValueError: 
        print "Not valid JSON~This error may be normal the first time so don't stress!"

Basically you need to add those “print body” lines in there. This will print all the switch config data out during setup. Save the script and run it. Then go into the smartapp under automations and just wait about 20s and you should see a big block of output in the console. Just copy and paste that to me so I can figure out what the device type is for those non dimmers. Then I can get support added in. Thanks!

Also, this thread may be getting locked in order to move everyone over to the newest one found here [Deprecated] Lutron Caseta Connect V1.5