(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Temp Sensor and Child Thermostat Mc, Zigbee Temp Sensor with Thermostat Mc

(NEW RELEASE): Version 4 of Zigbee Temp Sensor with Thermostat Mc:

  • At the request of @Luis_Mijares, the smartthings multipurpose sensors have been added to the driver:
  - id: "Samjin/multi"
    deviceLabel: Multipurpose Sensor
    manufacturer: Samjin
    model: multi
    deviceProfileName: contact-temp-therm-battery-05
  -id: "SmartThings/multiv4"
    deviceLabel: Multipurpose Sensor
    manufacturer: SmartThings
    model: multiv4
    deviceProfileName: contact-temp-therm-battery-05
  - id: "CentraLite/3321-S"
    deviceLabel: Multipurpose Sensor
    manufacturer: CentraLite
    model: 3321-S
    deviceProfileName: contact-temp-therm-battery-05
  • Full functionality of these sensors is maintained:
    • Contact
    • Temperature
    • Acceleration Sensor
    • Three Axes Acceleration
    • Use with garage door

As the new version has new Profiles and subdrivers, the update is not performed automatically, it will be done by changing the driver on the device, driver menu, select another driver.

To facilitate the update, I am going to change version 3.5 to the name Zigbee Temp Sensor with Thermostat Mc-(OLD).

I will publish the new version 4.0 with the original name Zigbee Temp Sensor with Thermostat Mc.

In this way, your driver installed will have the rename with (OLD), indicating that there is a new version available and you can install the new version with a driver change whenever you want.

│ Name        │ Zigbee Temp Sensor with Thermostat Mc │
│ Package Key │ Zigbee_Thermostat_v4                  │
│ Version     │ 2022-05-22T15:00:40.182434            │

@Luis_Mijares ,
You have to change devices to this new version, Sorry for inconvenience
I will delete the previous -Contact Test version