Ask Alexa 2.1.2

Can we talk about the DOOR/ LOCKS output? whenever …
:slight_smile: The user might just need educated.

LOL, funny you ask. I set up a report called “Anybody in the house?”

Alexa, ask home Anybody in the house? :slight_smile:

Ok…good use case…I actually think that would require some custom output…maybe it is the question you are asking:

“Alexa, ask Home report any movement” :slight_smile:

Seriously, I am not sure this is overall a good way to determine if anyone is in the house. Pets and such can set these alarms off, and non-movement (or between sensors) would not register

Instead, I would actually change your macro to not list current movement, but to list the times of the last movement (from the events). This will give more piece of mind…of course, if you are invoking this command while in the house…wouldn’t it pick you up?

Either way, it is possible to add a not-present key…I am just not sure that is exactly what you want or need.

That makes sense but I’m only working with presence sensors, not motion – oh and I like it when Alexa says my name, so that part is acceptable :wink:

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Keep in mind, use case I use ALEXA via Roger Talk for remote use :slight_smile:

Sorry about that…I can actually see a use for that (present vs not present). I will put that in my next revision.


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I don’t want to complicate present/ not present… what devices do you see this using? Presence sensors I assume, but life 360 (as tied into ST) or android or other locators (D -> all of the above)? Thanks as always.
I can give the verbatim of the output for the Doors, windows and locks too if / when requested.

I currently use life360 as my presence, tired through official integration with ST. It works great.

When I have the time I am going to figure this out…

Using motion and presence…

Me: Alexa, ask home who is here.
Alexa: Wendi is currently present and the last motion events was in the master bath, and the living room.

I know who is home and where she is. If I’m in the living room I can rule that out as me.

It will need refining.

But, I already have a macro called, where is my family. Alexa tells me who is present. Am I understanding the conversation wrong? Isn’t that what you are wanting? To know who is present?

My ultimate gate goal is to retrieve from life360 if any one is at one of the predetermined locations… And have Alexa tell me that.

Would a summary report be helpful here as well. In other words, if ALL items were present or ALL items were gone, would it be helpful to simply say “All presence sensor are < present/not present >”?