Arlopilot doesnt change Arlo modes

I installed ArloPilot because i thought I could use it to manage my Arlo modes via Smart Home Monitor. I just switched from Stay to Away and this was supposed to change my Arlo mode from Home to Away but nothing happened.

Also it seems my custom Arlo modes adds Audio detection to the rule which I do not want.

First make sure you can change modes outside of smart home monitor. When you setup the mode make sure the case is right. Mode1 and mode1 are different. Then make sure the SHM integration has been enabled in settings.

I did change from Mode2 to mode2. But today when my Smartthing routine activated my SHM worked fine but it was supposed to change Arlo mode which it didnt. When I checked SHM I saw that the Arlopilot SHM config wasnt defined. It was yesterday. Strange.

Can you select the option from arlo pilot to change the mode manually. First confirm it works without SHM being part of it.

Yes. I just tried it. It worked.

Did you use the new smartthings app to setup SHM or did you use the classic app to do it.

Another way to check would be to look at if SHM shows up in the ide

The reason I ask is because there are two different versions. I have a feeling the one loaded via the new app using the new smartthings APIs may not trigger it.

I have classic. I wasnt aware it was the ‘old’ app. I do not see SHM in IDE.

But Arlopilot did seem to work today.

The Smarthings classic app is what has been around for a while. If you do a search for Smartthings in Google play store and such now it shows you the rebranded Samsung Connect app that was renamed to Smartthings some months back.

Eventually the Smarthings(Connect) app will be the app to use but it has a way to go for functionality. But it does have some good stuff. It has a new version of SHM that doesn’t show in the IDE and uses the new Smarthings API’s.

I am glad it worked today. One thing you need to remember with Arlo is that you can only have one thing connected to the arlo cloud at a time. Perhaps you have had a conflict there when it tries to change it.

Thanks. What do you mean by ‘you can only have one thing connected to the arlo cloud at a time’. I have 3 cameras, 1 base. I use ST to integrate Arlo and skybell. And skybell is integrated to light bulb.

Not sure if you can help me but can I trigger arlo cameras to record video if another arlo camera detects motion. That way I have video of my entire exterior recorded. I was able to trigger skybell to record with arlo motion detection.

Go log into the Arlo Mobile App. Then go to your browser and log in. You will find that your mobile device got kicked out