I updated to the latest firmware a few days ago and I’m noticing a problem with my fp2 sensor going offline every few minutes. Anyone suffering the same issue?
Is your FP2 connected with a USB extension cable by chance?
I think i just figured it out. I must have had a lot of interference on my wifi network…I changed the channel on the router settings to a less busy zone and everything seems to be running smoothly.
I’m doing something wrong or all the ST routines that uses the Aqara FP2 sensor are cloud base routines, even if the FP2 shows as a local device in the ST advance website?
Are the other devices in your routine local?
Just show us a screenshot from the routine.
Yes they are, please see screenshots below. Only when I remove the FP2 entirely from the routine it becomes local.
Recreated your routine as good as possible:
Added a motion sensor (Matter):
Create a routine with only the FP2 involved and see what happens.
You could also try to create a new routine from scratch.
And maybe… you just have to scroll down a little in your first screenshot…
Thanks! I found the issue, when I create a routines that involves devices connected to my ST Station and ST Wifi mesh router, the routine become cloud base
Yes, cross hub Routines are executed in the cloud.
Hmmmm, everytime I add a new sensor to my network (scanning for new in general) it picks up a ghost FP2 sensor. I can deleted it without a problem but is there a way to stop it from popping up everytime?
Do you have an FP2? What does the ghost device look like in the app? Is it functional?
Screenshots from the device’s page here would be helpful:
I stand corrected… It appears it is the former EP1 (EverythingPresenceOne) that I had.
I deleted it again and after that the driver and channel it was on. Problem solved as it looks.
I do have a new issue… I’ve brought all smarthome stuff to a different wifi. Everything okay, but the FP2 does not want to connect to the new wifi.
I have TP-link Deco XE75 mesh wifi.
On the main network they connect, on the “guest wifi” it can’t connect?
Find out the difference between the main and the guest network.
Maybe the guest network has IP multicast disabled. Check if you can reach the Internet from the guest network and that there’s no client isolation enabled. The SmartThings hub should be connected to the guest network, of course.
Oh, the Deco XE75 is set up as AccesPoint because the 5G router can not be set to bridge mode.
Multicast and client isolation is not an option.
Guest network works and is on the hub.
Altough wired it says it is connected with my main network.
Pull the ethernet cable and set the FP2 up with just wifi?
But we can see that they are connected to the WiFi…
So what exactly is the issue you experiencing? Error messages, screenshots.
They are now connected again to the main network, not the guest network.
I will try again later and show what it says when I try.
If it works with the main wifi network but not with the guest network, the issue has nothing to do with the device or the driver.
I’m not saying that, but maybe someone had similair problems and knew a possible solution.
Because it is only with the FP2.
I am struggling to add the FP2 to Smartthings. I have them connected to the same network, it works in the Aqara app, but I cannot get Smartthings to find it. I have a v2 hub that is wired ethernet. FP2 firmware is 1.3.0, Aqara driver in smartthings is 2024-12-17T18:00:36.611958104. I have tried several times to reset and readd the fp2 in the Aqara app, and then search in smartthings (selecting FP2 as the device to search), and no luck. It times out and says something went wrong error code:34-302. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!