Any luck with iTach WF2IR?

I hate to do this to everyone but I am a newbie to Smartthings app programming and I’m trying to get my ITACHI IP2IR working:
IP address is
I have an IR Blaster on port 3

Here is my code that reports the event fires in the IDE but doesn’t ever get the blaster to transmit either in the IDE or when I try to manually trigger it after installing it on my phone. With the ILEARN app it does fire. Can anyone figure out why when I trip the virtual switch it doesn’t send anything to the ITACHI?


  • My First SmartApp
  • Copyright 2017 Tim Huey
  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except
  • in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
  • on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
  • for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

name: “My First SmartApp”,
namespace: “TimHuey”,
author: “Tim Huey”,
description: “intro to groovy”,
category: “My Apps”,
iconUrl: “”,
iconX2Url: “”,
iconX3Url: “”)

preferences {
section(“When switch turn on detected:”) {
input “ifswitchon”, “capability.switch”, required: true, title: “What switch?”
/section(“Turn on this light”) {
input “theswitch”, “capability.switch”, required: true

def installed() {
log.debug “Installed with settings: ${settings}”



def updated() {
log.debug “Updated with settings: ${settings}”



def initialize() {
// TODO: subscribe to attributes, devices, locations, etc.
subscribe(ifswitchon, “switch.on”, SwitchOnDetectedHandler)


def SwitchOnDetectedHandler(evt) {
log.debug “SwitchOnDetectedHandler called: $evt"
def deviceNetworkId = “C0A8000C:1386"
def theCom = “sendir,1:3,1,38000,1,69,343,172,21,22,21,22,21,65,21,22,21,22,21,22,21,22,21,22,21,65,21,65,21,22,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,22,21,65,21,22,21,22,21,22,21,65,21,65,21,22,21,65,21,22,21,65,21,65,21,65,21,22,21,22,21,1673,343,86,21,3732"
sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(”””$theCom\r\n""", physicalgraph.device.Protocol.LAN, deviceNetworkId))

// TODO: implement event handlers

Never mind. I figured it out. I was using my local network address for the Itach. I thought the command was coming from “Inside the house” (lol) then I realized that maybe the command was routed from Alexa HDQ and when I changed the HEX address to my home IP and port forwarded the command to the Itach it worked great.

Is there anyone willing to help me code a smart app and DH for controlling an amplifier using RS232 with the iTach Flex? I am happy to compensate accordingly.

I have a DH to start with as far as design goes. I just don’t know anything about coding to port it to the iTach device.

Thanks in advance.