Another question for developers. Code for default tile/value

I used to think it was because the plugin developers were recklessly ignoring the published capability presentations for some of the stock capabilities.

I then changed to thinking that if the stock capabilities were actually implemented using the capability presentations we wouldn’t still be waiting for them to be implemented fully for custom capabilities several months on as the code would already have existed. So I now assume capability presentations are being retrofitted.

Either way, or a third way, it is a bit frustrating sometimes.

The issue was solved when the units were included in the events:

To use the property “units” in the capability presentation, it must be included in the definition as well. If you copied both from Temperature Measurement into your capability, it should be fine once you add the unit in the events.

If you want to display a thermostat icon, then you should add the ocfDeviceType and deviceTypeId properties to your DTH as follows:

definition (name: "DTH_name", author:"xxx",vid: "xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx", mnmn: "SmartThingsCommunity", ocfDeviceType:"oic.d.thermostat", deviceTypeId: "Thermostat") {
   //Capabilities list...

Hi Larry, did you ever manage to get your Qubino weather station DTH working for the new app? I have the weatherstation and was using the DTH but now cannot get any data in the new app. Thank you Julian