Another Day Another Problem can't access devices

Now that the app runs as slow as the forum…
I tap a device on the things list or from a room and the app crashes.
Can’t access some devices.
anything to do with LIFX crashes the app
App locks up for a few seconds on every page change
ST is becoming more useless each week instead of improving

Is this a grade school project or a joke? I think they need to stop adding new crap and stabilize the current.

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[quote=“TEWphotography, post:1, topic:38358”]
I tap a device on the things list or from a room and the app crashes.
[/quote]I’ve been trying to rename and re-arrange some of my devices and rooms today and every time I hit “Done” I get the “You appear to be having issues with your network error.”

I’m on WiFI so I know it’s not me and it’s happening on two different devices that are running different versions of the mobile app.

I don’t expect the system to work perfectly, but I’ve had ST since the end of December and 75% of the time either the mobile app, scheduling or the IDE has been having serious problems.

IMHO that’s completely unacceptable and as soon as a viable alternative becomes available, I’m jumping ship.


At least the former contributes educational value… :mortar_board:. :smiling_imp:


If you are using the ST integration and having issues, i’d recommend the community version.

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Strangely I found the App more responsive and less likely to cause errors if it was on mobile/4G rather than Wifi. A fine example that has annoyed me since day 1 is uploading images against rooms, always gives me a network error while on wifi but never on 4G. I’d be interested switching from one to the other gives you a better level of stability as well, even if like me you don’t actually have any issues with the wifi in your house.

[quote=“ognaf, post:6, topic:38358”]
I’d be interested switching from one to the other gives you a better level of stability as well, even if like me you don’t actually have any issues with the wifi in your house.
[/quote]About an hour after I posted my frustration, the app started working and I haven’t had any problems since. (at least not with the mobile app)

I’m lucky when I’m able to get a 3G signal at my house, but I can get a 4G signal nearby so the next time it acts up I’ll go there and see if that makes a difference.