Announcing: New Rules App by Obycode

Not to mention they are missing the 84.4% of the smartphone market that Android represents (as of Q3 2014, should be slightly higher now). I get why US companies might choose to start with iOS but to not have any plans for Android makes absolutely no sense to me.


Devs still make more money every year on iOS over android. One of my buddies is a dev and he brings in almost double from iOS then Android every year. My company shows similar numbers with their apps. Where money flows development goesā€¦

Yeah, I get that - I see that in my business as well. It really depends on how you are monetizing it. You can make more money from Android users if you do it within the app as little purchases or feature unlocks rather than including it in the cost of the app. However, that complicates development and doesnā€™t work well for all types of apps.

Anyway, since this app is for iTunes Iā€™m guessing the percentage of Android users who would be interested is lower than iOS. That being said I know many who have long since switched and still use iTunes on their desktop.

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I signed up and am interested.

Thank you. IFTTT sucksā€¦ :blush:

Hi @zj4x4, @tvinhas and other Android users. We would love to create an Android version of this app as well, but we need to prioritize. The iOS version will be out first, but an Android version is definitely on the to do list.

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Canā€™t wait to watch this evolve. I love the initial UI in your screenshot.

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When do we get to use it?! :slight_smile: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Wow, this looks really promising. Looking forward to it!

I smell an acquisition if this is as good as it looks. :smile:


Getā€™s me thinking about the ways this is (and other variations could beā€¦) implemented.

Perhaps a SmartApp Groovy code generator? This could work, but if the code is tweaked by hand, then modifications to the rules would be hardā€¦

Direct API bypassing SmartApps? (Like IFTTT?).

Wellā€¦ glad I at least have an iPad around here so I can join the Beta! :smile:


@obycode @johncoctosten

I was hoping to play with this this weekend. Any idea when this beta will be available?

Hey Tim. Not quite ready yet for this weekend. Weā€™re doing our best to get it out as soon as possible.

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Very excited about this. Another great way to also help me teach some simple logic to my young daughter! :smile:


I have such high hopes for this app. Canā€™t wait to try it! This will solve so many things iā€™ve had to hack together! I hope its as awesome as it seems!!! :smile:

Iā€™m glad youā€™re excited Tim. We will actually be sending out some beta tester invites later today, so keep an eye out for an email.


This made my day!

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So Tim must have received one:) ?!

I wish! I didnā€™t get one yet. @obycode did you send some out?

Getting snowed in here tonight. Good night to beta test some software :wink: