Android 1.6.6

I notice there is a Z-Wave repair from the mobile app. I tried it but never received any repair messages and I don’t think it is doing anything. Anyway it says it could take up to 10 minutes, but for me a repair is closer to 20 to 30 minutes.

Has anyone else successfully run repair from their mobile app?

This is working correctly in our tests. Are you seeing the “start” and “end” message.

I’m not getting anything. It just displays:

“Repair Messages:”

and below a blank gray screen.

I turned on logs through IDE and don’t see anything either.

Maybe it is specific to my set up because I have nearly 100 z-wave devices and have reported z-wave repair issues to support.

But that is why I’m asking the community. Is it just me?

I’m able to complete a repair in-app on a network with a dozen or so Z-Wave devices.