Using this app and Big Talker can make your Nexus 7 verbally announce or chime different events around your home including your gate opening and closing.
Well… released on Google Play and on the website. SmartThings hasn’t approved the device handler or SmartApp yet.
Do you want an easy way to announce events - with speech or with chimes and alarms?
Do you want to have such announcements handy while you’re not home - e.g. a chime when the front door opens on your cell phone?
Does buying a Sonos system or dedicating a computer to VLC Thing seem like overkill to get sounds out of SmartThings?
Then perhaps LANnouncer (formerly LANdroid) is the solution. LANnouncer enables SmartThings to talk on Android devices running Lollipop or higher, via LAN (local network) or via SMS.
See the LANnouncer web page for more information and to download the groovy driver (for now, until SmartThings approves the publish), plus LANnouncer on the Goog…
You’ll need this app to tell Smartthings when to make the announcements.
Version 1.1.6 release announcement
(updated post 5/25/2016 with 1.1.6 release)
Have you ever wanted a talking house? Now you can! With the Big Talker SmartApp ( )
When SmartThings is paired with a compatible audio device (such as a Sonos, Ubi , LANnouncer or VLC Thing ) and Big Talker SmartApp, your house can say what you want it to say when events occur.
Currently supported events:
Time, Time of Day + Day(s) of Week
Motion, Active/Inactive
Switch, On/Off
Presence, Arrive/Depart
Lock, Lock/Unlock
Contact, Open/Close
Mode, Change (Home, Away, etc)
Thermostat, Cooling/Heating/Fan/Idle(not running)
Acceleration, Active/Inactive
Water, Wet/Dry
Smoke, Detect/Clear/Test
Button, Press
Each supported event supports 3 different gr…