Alpha Opportunity: Browser-Based Web Portal

Yes. The namby pamby mobile apps are just amateurs at this thing. You need the portal to really scare the **** out of you.

My heatit thermostat in my bathroom show different values in phoneapp then webportal.

In phone app its shows 19 degrees celcius but in the webportal and also in the windows app it shows 27 degrees.

In case anyone would like to share a overview of the dashboard features, here is a video I did on the new beta web portal.

Is there anyway to make a temperature tile so that it can be displayed on the browser?

hi everyone, does someone know why in the ST chrome dashboard I cant to switch Sensibo device mode, in the mobile app I can switch modes, thanks

Hi, It’s only in Alpha test mode and it’s not just with your Sensibo devices.
For example, I have two Zigbee bulbs both using Edge Drivers. One I can switch modes and other I can’t.
I noticed if I change the mode in the mobile app it is then possible to control it in the Web Browser.


This is what it looks like now, after the status was changed. Some devices also take quite a while to show the status.

Some other bugs like the thermostat’s are showing too many decimal places…


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Is there a way to use my.smartthings on an old iPad?
I logged into my account but I do not see anything, just a blank background.

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