I am struggling getting Alexa to announce when a door is open. When I open the Alexa program I get an error saying I don’t have any locations tied to any devices. It skips past the Samsung sign on screen that ai have no chance to log in. I have tried the fix by downloading the file to a PC but was unable to find a download on that page only GoDaddy adds. Any advice?
Okay…where do we begin…
…first, pairing ST to Alexa will allow you to control ST devices in Alexa. Not get Alexa to do TTS announcements for you. You need to search the forum for Alexa TTS and you will get all the current methods folks are using to do that.
And if you want to have Alexa set up to control your ST devices, you have to go into the Alexa app and add the ST integration though there. You don’t have to download anything and I guarantee you it’s not a go-daddy website.