and Smart Things

@ViggS The pics didn’t upload in correct order, but you get the point… let me know if you have anymore questions. I’m all about keeping things simple & not using any other apps to accomplish all.

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I’m going to disable my “backup repeat commands” just to see if somehow the issue has fixed itself magically? If I start getting miss triggers again, then I’ll reenable my backup triggers.

I’ll report back

My DISARM and ARM AWAY commands appear to work reliably.
I thought my ARM STAY command was as well, but every single test I have done is simply fails…
I’ve allowed 5min between commands, as well as repeating as others have suggested.

Methinks @schwark should take a look at this again when he can… There is enough consistent user reports that the STAY function fails…


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I still can’t get anything to work and crickets from the developer

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Disabling my backup commands was a bad idea, the very 1st test failed :frowning:

So now I’m back to having to double my commands to get one to stick… this sucks

@schwark any update on this?

I haven’t done anything since the integration stopped working about a month ago.

Would like just basic Arm Away, Arm Stay, Disarm functionality…

That much should be working again. Albeit somewhat less reliably than before. Please update from Github.

So how should I configure it so when I arm my alarm (even from my alarm panel) it will set my mode to away on sT. Right now it only seems to work if I arm the alarm from within the ST environment…

anyone have any thoughts on how to do this???

Basically i’m looking for if i Arm it from my panel (when leaving house) it sets the alarm to away in ST which triggers the Ecobee to turn off/away.

But when i trigger it at home when we go to bed it doesnt change the ecobee…

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@jp12687 WebCoRE should help you accomplish that, although there might be smartapps also… sorry I can’t provide more info. I’m sure there is a way.

Schwark just pushed an update! Device handler was updated few days back & just today smartapp updated.

whats included in the update?

So far on preliminary testing, the new versions show the following improvements:

  1. On the SmartApp side - arming and disarming seem to work reliability without requiring subsequent “toggles” as a workaround to the reliability issues of these past few weeks

  2. Device handler has added polling which makes the switches refresh when you arm or disarm at the panel. From my initial testing it takes a couple of seconds for the switches to poll and refresh but that’s totally acceptable IMO

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Cool. Is there any way to run scenes vs just arm and disarm?

Trying to make arming at the panel do something different than arming st night (we only use motion sensors arm/away when our dog is out of the house)

@jp12687 - I’m not sure I understand the question? Perhaps if you add more detail about what you are trying to accomplish, the community will be able to offer a solution?

Within the interface is the option to run scenes. We have two different applications we set the alarm.

Both to away stay

  1. we are leaving the house and want to trigger ST to switch modes so ecobee goes to away and botvac goes

  2. we are the house at night to away stay. It switched ST to night mode and turns off all kinds of lights

Same “action” on my system but different outcomes.

The alarm has scenes including “night” but need a way to trigger that from ST one actiontiles

For #1 you probably can have a ST routine triggering when everyone is away if you have life360 running on your phones. Basically when ST senses all presences as away it would switch your ecobee and or run other rules as needed.

For #2 you can set the rules in for the scene you want to trigger to be active only on a given schedule. For example: “when arm stay, turn off these lights only between 8PM and 8AM”. rules have the ability to obey schedules as you set them on their portal. This ensures the lights only turn off IDB you armed stay at night. You can apply similar restrictions on another routine in ST that tigers when arm away turns on and executed a SmartThings scene to control lights you may have paired with it directly.

Not the cleanest but simple enough to work under both scenarios. You can get more sophistication using webCoRE if needed.

hey but #2 I don’t see how ST will distinguish between items. I don’t have my lights or ecobee stuff paired with directly…

so you would need to set this ST automation via a webcore script or via a SmartRules engine as an example. Both should give you flexibility and functionality to apply logic to your scenes such as presence and/or time of day ranges or both.

There are also likely smartapps out there that already take into account time ranges native to the ST UI. I haven’t looked for those as I am using webcore but I have no doubt someone already solved the issue of specifying time ranges for native routines and somewhere on this community portal a downloadable solution exist.

Also @schwark recent update has been working perfect for 2 straight days since installing it.