and Smart Things

I’ve modified schwark1d’s code at GitHub - schwark/smartthings-alarmcom: SmartThings Integration with
It now includes the ability to create a Disarm button as well.

Modify the smart app as follows:

private def getCommands() {

def COMMANDS = [
‘ARMSTAY’: [‘params’: [‘ctl00$phBody$butArmStay’:‘Arm Stay’, ‘ctl00$phBody$cbArmOptionSilent’: settings.silent?‘on’:‘’, ‘ctl00$phBody$cbArmOptionNoEntryDelay’: settings.nodelay?‘on’:‘’], ‘name’: ‘Arm Stay’],
‘ARMAWAY’: [‘params’: [‘ctl00$phBody$butArmAway’:‘Arm Away’, ‘ctl00$phBody$cbArmOptionSilent’: settings.silent?‘on’:‘’, ‘ctl00$phBody$cbArmOptionNoEntryDelay’: settings.nodelay?‘on’:‘’], ‘name’: ‘Arm Away’],
‘ARMDISARM’: [‘params’: [‘ctl00$phBody$butDisarm’:‘Disarm’, ‘ctl00$phBody$cbArmOptionSilent’: settings.silent?‘on’:‘’, ‘ctl00$phBody$cbArmOptionNoEntryDelay’: settings.nodelay?‘on’:‘’], ‘name’: ‘Disarm’]


I added the ARMDISARM line.
I do not know if the paramaters ctl00$phBody$cbArmOptionSilent': settings.silent?'on':'', 'ctl00$phBody$cbArmOptionNoEntryDelay': settings.nodelay?'on' are required but it successfully Disarms my alarm now as well.

If you have the original code installed, remove all buttons added, make the code mods, save/update, and add the smart app back. After the delay there will be 3 instead of 2 buttons now. Happy Disarming now as well.