Aeotec Micro Switch and Conventional Burglar Alarm?

Hey there,

We’ve recently had a break in and apart from getting some more ST devices installed, we’re also upgrading our conventional alarm system.

What I was wondering is whether the two could be joined together by the Aeotec Micro Switch??

Basically, I was wondering whether the Micro Switch could take the place of a panic attack/personal attack button, whereby the conventional alarm system siren could be sounded in conjunction with my ST setup.

As the panic button is simply a switch that activates a triggered alarm, I was wondering whether the Micro Switch would achieve the same thing.

Hep, advice, tips, comments all appreciated!

It’s going to come down to the exact details. So maybe, maybe not. You’d probably be more likely to use a Fortrezz mimolite, though.

There are a lot of community members who have done different things to tie together an existing security system with SmartThings.

If you look at the quick browse list in the community – created wiki, and look under project reports, there’s a list for “security” projects that might give you some ideas.

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You know that description next to your name… the one that says “Helpful”?

It’s probably the biggest understatement I’ve ever seen.

Thanks so much again!

I’ve bookmarked that page, and will have a little experiment!