Acurite weather station question

You can access them directly, my code does not fully work, although I am working on an update to it. I have been working to integrate it with the code from Anything Arduino but I haven’t had a lot of time to work on this. RTL_443 also has this working for various sensors, but does not integrate with smarththings.

There are a couple things that I don’t fully understand on these sensors but might not actually be an issue as they don’t seem to have an issue with it on their Internet gateway.

  1. How do they stop signals from over writing each other. I know it only transmits every so often but you would think this would happen some times. I know the check bit would be off and I would toss the packet but I have never seen it happen. I have 4 wireless 06044M and a 5in1 Pro+.
  2. Rain totals I have had trouble with when debugging, not sure if this is something I’ve done wrong as RTL_433 seems to have it working correctly.
  3. There seems to be some duplicate packets, not sure why some sensors seem to send more than once but these duplicates probably need weeded out for efficiency.
  4. Acurite themselves are unhelpful with this, all the code I have found has been reverse engineered not sure why they are this way as the communities they are selling to seem to like more features and having customers make them would be in their best interest.
  5. RTL_433 also seems to have the lightening detector working as well so this could possibly integrated into smart things. As I don’t have a lot of experience with smartthings integration I was hoping to find someone who had more experience with this to help me integrate this information.
  6. The receiver that you mentioned I could not get to work, I don’t know if I was doing something wrong or I got the wrong version, but I ended up having to use a 433Mhz Superheterodyne Make sure you create an antenna out of a piece of wire of the correct length.

Currently I am working on switching out the My_ISR sub for something possibly a little more reliable, it seems to crash and reset the arduino every so often and I am not sure its not causing some duplicating of packets.

Hope this wall of text wasn’t to much. Let me know if you have any questions.