Actions - Turn on Light ONLY after Sunset AND Motion is Detected

Sorry about the delay, I have actually been using the “Magic Home” app listed by @jabbera and it’s been working great in terms of turning my light on ONLY when…

  1. It’s after sunset
  2. motion is detected
  3. someone is home

so therefore if we are away from home, the cat can’t set the home sensor light to always trigger on/off constantly but you may actually want that though!

@zuperman4ever yea it seems like by default, with the contact sensor, you can set it up to use the contact open/close when in particular modes but unfortunately not the other way around where you want a trigger a mode when the contact sensor is open or closed.

Listed below is a link to a post I made on configuring “Magic Home” if you guys were ever interested in trying that out, let me know if it helps out…

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