Ability to show an image in an event

Hi, @nayelyz

I am developing integration of my device with SmartThings via Cloud Connector
The device can create events, for example through json webhook.

  "notice_type": "OBJECT_DETECTED",
  "datetime": "2024-01-16T19:07:27+02:00",
  "data": {
    "camera_id": 1,
    "camera_name": "Camera #1",
    "message": "<translated message with html markup>",
    "object": "person",
    "object_class_id": 1,
    "object_count": 1,

    "image": <base64 encoded image>
  "serial_number": "1-FC2A7995",
  "version": "1.4.0"

I plan to decode a base64 image on the Cloud Connector side, save it as a file on disk or in a database, and return the URL of that image.

Is there a way to display this image in the activity feed in SmartThings?

Thanks for any help.

Hi, @olegin!

What do you mean by “Activity feed”? Are you referring to the “history” tab?

Yes, “history” tab.

Hi, @olegin.
Following up, the engineering team mentioned:

  • The current history in the history tab only shows text because it receives the translated values from the internal server.
  • In the app, only pre-defined URLs are recognized, so it won’t be displayed if you try to use a custom URL. But in the “history” tab, no images are shown, even those pre-defined.
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