Zigbee multisensor with lux?

Continuing the discussion from Pre-release of Fibaro Motion Sensor:

The smartenIt 1019C is a zigbee multisensor with light, temperature, and motion. Good company, but the device is more limited than you may expect, read specs carefully. It’s certified for the zigbee Home Automation standard, so it may work with ST. Worth a try, although I don’t know if anyone’s written a device type that will work with it. It’s definitely designed for the basic use case you mention.


Thank you. I’ll check it out.

Any other Zigbee motion devices with Lux? Not looking to spend $125 on the Smartenit device.

Philips Hue?

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Right price and has lux, but it is ZigBee Light Link, not ZigBee HA. Not sure it will work directly with ST Hub without a Hue Hub?

There’s a community – created device type handler which seems to work pretty well with it.

(Per the spec, any ZLL device should fall back to a ZHA profile when connected to a ZHA coordinator.)

See discussion in the following thread.

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I have one and can confirm it works OK with the above DTH.

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How is the range of the PIR? Looking to put this in the corner of my 20x20 garage. Will it pick up motion across a room that big?

I have mine in the downstairs hallway looking at the front door.
Hallway is 5m long. Works fine.

The Smartenit Motion Sensor’s are better priced at their website:

I can try to create a DTH for it if needed.

Anyone know where to get the Develco Cue Motion sensor?