V2 delayed

Local processing will hugely change the customer experience for both coders and noncoders alike, and they’ve said as much in the official announcements, just without the word “hugely.”

Less lag, more stability, things work even if the Internet connection is spotty, sunrise/sunset should fire correctly.

When the company CTO takes the time to publicly say:

You’ll see a significant improvement in response times, and automations with the V2 Hub will be a whole lot faster.

that directly ties V2 to improvements in the user experience. :wink:

That doesn’t fix the UI/UX in itself, although ST staff have posted that they’re working on those issues as well (an official rules engine and a new mobile app have been mentioned). But no timeline on those.

Of course any improvement other than “works when the Internet is off” depends on good engineering for the new generation. You can have local bottlenecks and drop offs too if the local device isn’t powerful enough. So we’ll see what actually arrives.

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