Track and Record Room Usage with Motion Sensors?

I work in a large clinical environment, and I would like to use motion sensors in all of our exam rooms to track true usage of the spaces. Ideally I would be able to collect and store the data, and also possibly present a dashboard of which ones are free at the moment.

I’ve done some research on availability of such purpose-built products but haven’t gotten very far. Does anyone think that smart things might provide this type of capability?


Check this thread out:

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If it’s the kind of clinical space where everyone, including visitors, wears ID badges, it’s super easy with the RFID tracker systems built for exactly this purpose. Those are easy to find once you look for RFID tracker. No smartthings integration, though.

If you just want to count people, but not which people, see the topic Tim linked to above.

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P.S. I love seeing these types of ideas for uses with SmartThings. The ability for STs to increase the quality of living for people is so cool!!!