Thoughts on Modes

I’ve managed to code around some of the more obvious ones like coming home and setting a mode based on the light level, but I could’t agree more - multiple mode sets and multivalue logic to operate on them is IMO the way forward for folks to be able to configure this without needing to program. Although I get a kick out of programming my house, I recognize it’s a niche thing, and for HA (and hopefully ST) to go really mainstream, we need this kind of flexibility baked in without the need for coding (but keep the ability to code too please!!!)

And by multivalue logic I mean the ability to use and/or, relative comparisons, and multiple clauses with the ability to group. The multivalve logic needs to apply to the “If This” as well as the “Then That” so we can say something like:

If (presence.mode changes from “Away” to (“Someone Home” or “Everyone Home”) and (house.mode is “Away” or “Vacation”)) then (if the light level from the sensor < 300 lux turn on the lights and set house.mode to “Evening” else set house.mode to “Day”)

Not a great example but you get the idea …

I have seen this kind of interface done well in other applications and it can be made pretty intuitive, yet can be really powerful.