[OBSOLETE] Smart Alarm is here

I have a question and a few suggestions to improve the app.

Can anybody explain me how to use the token and the rest endpoint to arm/disarm the alarm?
I understand that if I paste the rest endpoint with one of the commands at the end (/armaway/pin, /disarm/pin) it execute them. However, it asks me for smartthing username and password. My understanding is that if I use the token combined with the rest endpoint it will not ask me the smartthing username and password to execute the command. But I don’t know how to build that url. I tried https://graph.api.smartthings.com/api/smartapps/installations/APP_ID/ui?access_token=TOKEN/status but it keeps asking me for the username and password. (TOKEN is the access token)

App Suggestions:
-Add Sonos to Alarm Option (use a pre-recorded alarm sound when the alarm is triggered)
-Add Sonos to the Voice Notification options (push a custom message to one or more Sonos speakers)
-Add Delays to Arm (away and stay) after a mode changes. Below is an example of what I would like to achieve. I use my phone with geofence to change my modes. If I leave the house, by leaving the geofence the mode will change and the alarm will armaway itself. Let say I return to the house late at night, my phone will change the mode to from Away to Night automatically because of geofence. Since the armstay is linked to Night mode, the alarm will go from armaway to armstay leaving me no chance to get into the house without triggering the alarm. This is where the delay comes into play, instead of going from one armaway to armstay, it should provide me a temporary disarm for an amount of time that I (user) select (5, 10 minutes, etc.).