RunIn not working in Simulator

I’m using one of the samples that I modified a bit but for some reason the RunIn part of it is not firing the handler. Here’s the code snippet:

    if (isOpen && isNotScheduled) {
        runIn(maxOpenTime * 60, takeAction)
        state.status = "scheduled" "Scheduled action in $maxOpenTime minutes"

def takeAction(){
log.debug “Running takeAction”

I get the “Scheduled action in 1 minutes” message in the log but I never get the message from within takeAction(). BTW maxOpenTime is set to 1.
Is this supposed to work in the Simulator environment ?, if yes, what could I be doing wrong?, any debugging help would be appreciated.

Yes it should work. From reading other forum posts, it seems ST may be have some schedule related issues. I would guess you’re running into that.

I tested a bit more and found out that for values of 30 seconds and lower it fires, 40 seconds and higher it does not. I haven’t figured out the exact cut off between 30 and 40 seconds where it starts to fail.
This is a bug, I’m hoping this is only a simulator issue and is not a problem on the Hub. Can anyone confirm this?
Also, is there a work around?

BTW: here’s a simple app to test this out…

 *  Garage Door Monitor
 *  Author: SmartThings
    name: "Test RunIn",
    namespace: "smartthings",
    author: "SmartThings",
    description: "Test RunIn",
    category: "Safety & Security",
    iconUrl: "",
    iconX2Url: ""

preferences {
    section("When the door is open...") {
        input "contsensor", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Which?"

def installed()
    subscribe(contsensor, "", contactHandler)

def updated()
    subscribe(contsensor, "", contactHandler)

def contactHandler(evt) {
    log.debug "Scheduling takeAction"
    runIn(30, takeAction) //vary the number to test out where it fails
def takeAction(){
    log.debug "Running takeAction"

Unfortunately this bug is not isolated to the simulator. Confirmed that the problem exists on the Hub too.

Looks like this got fixed sometime over the last couple of days.