New App - Thermostat Boost

Hey all,

Wrote a new app this morning. It’s called “Thermostat Boost”. Shared to the IDE of course. Its really really simple. Basically turns your thermostat on for a specific period of time and then off after that period has expired. Sometimes you need to boost the temp in your house or pull out some moisture. I live in the Midwest and this time of year is very humid so i wrote this to pull some humidity out of the house but turn it off automagically so i don’t forget to do that. Which has been known to happen. So im sharing with the community. :smile:

Let me know if there are any problems with it.

  // Automatically generated. Make future change here.
        name: "Thermostat Boost",
        namespace: "tslagle13",
        author: "Tim Slagle",
        description: "Turn on the thermostat for a certain period of time and then back off after that time has expired.  Good for when you need to pull some moisture out of the air but don't want to forget to turn the thermostat off.",
        category: "Green Living",
        iconUrl: "",
        iconX2Url: "")
    preferences {
      section("Turn on these thermostats") {
        input "thermostats", "capability.thermostat", multiple: true
      section("To which mode?") {
        input "turnOnTherm", "enum", metadata: [values: ["auto", "cool", "heat"]], required: false
      section("For how long?") {
        input "turnOffDelay", "decimal", defaultValue:30
    def installed() {
    subscribe(app, appTouch)
    def updated() {
      subscribe(app, appTouch)
    def appTouch(evt) {
        def mode = turnOnTherm
    def thermoShutOffTrigger() {"Starting timer to turn off thermostat")
        def delay = (turnOffDelay != null && turnOffDelay != "") ? turnOffDelay * 60 : 60 
        state.turnOffTime = now()
        runIn(delay, "thermoShutOff")
    def thermoShutOff() {

Wow @tslagle13 you are on programmatic roll today. Keep up the great work, I hope to soon add to the community as well.

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Fantastic! it would also be nice if you could set the temp up/down for a set period of time if the thermostat is already ON.

I’ll add this tomorrow:)

Thanks again! Kind of you to thank me. God bless you!

Updated! Will now change setpoint to what you want it to as well as check to see if the thermostat is already on or not. It will return the thermostat back to your oroginal setpoints and modes as well :smile:

 *  Thermostat Boost
 *  Copyright 2014 Tim Slagle
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

// Automatically generated. Make future change here.
    name: "Thermostat Boost",
    namespace: "tslagle13",
    author: "Tim Slagle",
    description: "Turn on the thermostat for a certain period of time and then back off after that time has expired.  Good for when you need to pull some moisture out of the air but don't want to forget to turn the thermostat off.",
    category: "Green Living",
    iconUrl: "",
    iconX2Url: "")

preferences {
   page( name:"Thermostat", title:"Thermostat", nextPage:"mode", uninstall:true, install:false ) {
		section("Choose a thermostat to boost") {
   			input "thermostats1", "capability.thermostat", multiple: false
  page( name:"mode", title:"Mode", nextPage:"setpoints", uninstall:true, install:false ) {
  		section("If thermostat is off switch to which mode?") {
    		input "turnOnTherm", "enum", metadata: [values: ["cool", "heat"]], required: false
  page( name:"setpoints", title:"Thermostat Setpoints", uninstall:true, install:true ) {
  	section("Set the thermostat to the following temps") {
    	input "coolingTemp", "decimal", title: "Cooling temp?", required: false
    	input "heatingTemp", "decimal", title: "Heating temp?", required: false
  	section("For how long?") {
    	input "turnOffDelay", "decimal", defaultValue:30

def installed() {
subscribe(app, appTouch)

def updated() {
  subscribe(app, appTouch)

def appTouch(evt) {
	def currentCoolSetpoint = thermostats1.latestValue("coolingSetpoint")
    def currentHeatSetpoint = thermostats1.latestValue("heatingSetpoint")
    def currentMode = thermostats1.latestValue("thermostatMode")
	def mode = turnOnTherm
    state.currentCoolSetpoint = currentCoolSetpoint
    state.currentHeatSetpoint = currentHeatSetpoint
    state.currentMode = currentMode
    if(currentMode != "off"){
    if(currentMode == "off") {
    log.debug("current coolingsetpoint is ${state.currentCoolSetpoint}")
    log.debug("current heatingsetpoint is ${state.currentHeatSetpoint}")
    log.debug("current mode is ${state.currentMode}")

def thermoShutOffTrigger() {"Starting timer to turn off thermostat")
    def delay = (turnOffDelay != null && turnOffDelay != "") ? turnOffDelay * 60 : 60 
    state.turnOffTime = now()
	log.debug ("Turn off delay is ${delay}")
    runIn(delay, "thermoShutOff")

def thermoShutOff(){"Returning thermostat back to normal")
1 Like

@tslagle13 it works flawlessly! Thank you sir!

Thank you for being apart of this awesome community! :smile:

Is there any way to change the name of each instance of thermostat boost?

I have one set up for each of my thermostats, but no way to tell them apart? @tslagle13