Invisible REST SmartApp Tutorial app

I’ve read through the REST SmartApp tutorial at Tutorial: Creating a REST SmartApp Endpoint and followed the link to the PHP server application that provides a UI to the REST service:

I was surprised to find that I was able to connect the UI to my switch device and that it functioned correctly.

Why was I surprised? Well I hadn’t installed the SmartApp that was described in the tutorial.

It seems the the PHP web site automatically installed it during it’s authorisation steps.

This seems to be a very useful feature, and a similar thing happened when I set up IFTTT, but the difference with this silent installation is that I can’t actually see the SmartApp anywhere. It’s not listed under “My SmartApps” in the IDE (but neither is the IFTTT one) and I can’t find it in any of the categories in the app on the phone (but the IFTTT one is in SmartThings Internal).

So where is it? (So I can uninstall or reconfigure it)


I’m surprised it didn’t show up in the mobile app either.
If you just want to edit what the SmartApp has access to, just revisit the exampleOAuth URL you posted and reauthorize the device (selecting or unselecting items).

To uninstall, you can find it in the IDE under My Locations > SmartApps > Edit (then scroll to the bottom):

Many thanks for this @joshua_lyon

I wonder if I’m missing a category in the app (it’s the Windows Phone one).Do you know what category the “Endpoint Example” goes in?

If I wanted to create a SmartApp that could be installed in this way by other users would I have to request that it is publicly published?


I didn’t see the Endpoint Example SmartApp listed in any categories on my Android devices and I didn’t see it in the Shared Apps section of the IDE, so I’m not sure what’s going on there.

Yes, officially speaking, the SmartApp needs to be publicly published for other users to use the automatic OAuth installation workflow. (just the app, not necessarily the code) Unofficially, it’s a different story, but SmartThings has indicated that any unofficial approaches may not be supported moving forward.

I found the docs to be helpful in understanding the flow:

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