GE 45600 Handheld Remote as SmartThings Scene Controller (Edited: Does not work!)

Thanks for the info, @duncan . I’m sorry to hear that too. Supporting this remote would be really awesome for SmartThings user experience because it has more buttons than any other remote and is inexpensive. Bummer…

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No further work into this area with the GE 45600?

I believe I exhausted all options available at the user level. I’m positive that this remote can be used as scene controller if SmartThings properly implements Z-Wave Controller Replication command class. Unfortunately, a certain hot place would probably freeze over before that. :smile:

The only known way to make it work is to configure it using Vera and then include it into SmartThings network without resetting.

Sounds like a little eBay business opportunity! Send in your incompatible unit and receive one that is configured…

Though I would find it hard to part with mine for very long as it is an excellent “backup” controller for the Z-Wave devices in my home.

I wish I understood the particular details of Z-Wave protocols that zero in as to how Vera is able to be compatible, but not SmartThings (without “major work”). Then again, this is only one remote control brand (2 models) that is just cheap because it is end-of-life’d.

With companies like Aeotec, Fortrezz, Fibaro, etc. introducing new Z-Wave product lines, additional, next-generation “button controllers” ought to be on the market soon, right?

It affects all “1st generation” Z-Wave hand-held remotes, including Intermatic HA07, of which I also have a couple. The way it works with Vera is that Vera add its own node ID to every scene that the remote supports, so pressing any button on the remote will cause Scene Activation command sent back to Vera, which then can do whatever it wants to do with it.

However, these remotes do not implement Z-Wave “Scene Controller Configuration” command class, like more recent remotes. So the only way to add nodes to the scene is either manually (by pushing buttons) or by copying scene configuration from another controller during “controller transfer”.

The manual method does not work, because the remote can only include compatible devices like switches and dimmers. It won’t include another controller. And the second method does not work because SmartThings hub does cannot create native Z-Wave scenes and therefore cannot transfer them to the remote.

Or… you could buy them in bulk, program them and sell to SmartThings community :smile: Considering my labor cost, I’d have to charge $200 per unit though. :smile:

Are we gunna let this Device die or??? Hard to believe we can’t get this one to function, must be an easy workaround? Same issue with the GE wall-mounted version?

As I mentioned in another thread, SmartThings hub does not implement Controller Replication command class required to program this controller. There’s no workaround. The device handler will still work if you somehow program the remote using another controller, but I don’t think is a practical solution.

The remote is still usefult as a secondary controller, but you have to program it manually.

And only for zwave devices.

I bought four of these and tried for a couple of months to get them to work. The aeon minimote has come down to almost the same price as these remotes and it works as a button controller. I wish the GE worked, but it does not at this point.

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I haven’t seen any Aeon’s for under $10, like the GE, got a link? Also only 4 buttons vs. GE’s 9+9 x3 modes…

I said almost and technically the aeon has 8 buttons including long presses. It will also allow you to remotely pair your zwave devices. Pretty good bargain at 24.99


Another ST shortfall, oversite? How hard to add this code to an update? Or HubV2 addition? Or in someone’s best intrest to not support a $10 (9+9 button) remote with a strong strong range?

It’s unfortunate, but I wouldn’t call it an ‘oversight’. These remotes are obsolete, discontinued by the manufacturer and someone at StartThings had to make a decision whether they want to support obsolete product. They decided not to and I can’t blame them. And BTW, that’s the reason why the’re so cheap. :slight_smile:

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You’d think GE would dazzle it up a little and flash the firmware and repackage it for $25-30 and sweep the market…

How? SmartThings support said this wasn’t an option. I assume you are referring to pairing devices via the minimote and then transferring them to the hub?

Edit: I started a new topic about using the Aeon Minimote for Inclusion so as not to clutter up this thread.

The 45633 isn’t cheap, but it isn’t discontinued either.

Zwave certified as a handheld remote.

Does it work with ST?

Include and exclude using the Minimote as a secondary zwave controller works without special code. I’ve used it, so have others. Not everyone knows it works. i haven’t tried associate. (Zwave terminology)

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It works the same as its cheaper sibling. It will act as a secondary controller for your zwave devices, but that is it. You cannot use it as a generic button controller.

It’s a scenes controller by design, I’d think you could manual add a bunch of lights and brightness and even colors to any button.

Seems pretty similar to any other zwave controler, see manual at:

Never said the 33 was cheap, but the 45600 (main topic) non-LCD screen one is…

Ebay $10 & Amazon $15

Functionally the 45633 is the same as the 45600, just a fancy screen…

I correct myself, the 45600 same as 45601, not the 45633…

Sorry, I mentioned cheap because many people wanting a handheld remote larger than the Minimote have mentioned the now discontinued
GE products in part because they were quite inexpensive.

The Minimote is really small, about 1/3 the size of a pack of cards. The GE devices look like regular fancy TV remotes, which can increase the FAF (family acceptance factor, sometimes written xAF to mean “anyone who will use it who hasn’t entirely bought into the whole home automation thing.”)

Lately I see people saying lacking support for the 45600 shouldn’t matter because GE has discontinued it. OK, but there’s still a requirement for a fancy looking remote (xAF factor as well as wanting more buttons) and the 45633 is zwave certified as a secondary controller and not discontinued.

So I was just asking if it can work with ST as a secondary zwave controller or not. Or if we’re back to ST is only certified for the Basic (zwave terminology) command set. But I wanted to acknowledge that it might not matter to some people anyway, since the 45633 is much more expensive.