Firmware update Wednesday

@Tyler , are you aware if support for the “anti-theft” z-wave command class is coming anytime soon in a firmware update?

My firmware version is 000.013.00013 . Fibaro still won’t pair properly.

We will have to wait for @wackware to be at least one day old. :slight_smile: He is celebrating his b’day today and want to leave him alone! I excluded the three bad boys that I was attempting to add, rebooted the hub, did a Zwave repair which completed. And I am only going to try once with one bad boy. If it fails will wait for Mr. Todd - one day old. I so envy @Mike_Maxwell who has 5 sexy ones working! PS: if it works it will turn into one pretty nice girl…

I received an e-mail for my update, but sill on Firmware version 000.012.00074

@murzik @beckwith @wackware

Nope. It does not work after reboots, zwave repairs, excludes, includes, resets or anything at all. New firmware does not help with this nor do they claim. Only the real Fibaro Gods in the community can help. Only the motion works.

When will the firmware updates be completed?

Is it safe to assume I got the firmware update since my Hue lights no longer work?


Nope… It still misses a few hues! ;( sorry, friend.

Well today the system isn’t responding at all to Hue. This started a few hours ago and my hub shows a recent reboot.

EDIT: Sometimes lights work, sometimes they don’t. It has a mind of its own. This is crazy.

Received firmware upgrade notice earlier today. This evening the hub went offline and now won’t connect to my network. It bricked itself. Anyone else experiencing this?

Even on the old firmware things this evening are performing badly.

I just got home and nothing is responding to commands. I rebooted the HUB 3 times now and still nothing. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

Everything is responding erratically… takes a few seconds for anything to respond or update to the android app. This is happening on my WIFI as well as LTE connection.

Server can’t handle the load? with everyone using pollster at 1min interval???

Interesting I’ve been having issues all week, stuff not responding multiple devices and types of devices.

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Just got this from ST:

New Incident Status: Identified
We’re investigating an issue impacting a small subset of users related to device control (e.g. light turn on/off).
Jan 21, 22:40 EST

The incident tonight ( is resolved. We’re updating the status page right now.

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Thanks @tyler! I take back all the mean things I said about you :wink:

I didn’t do anything! I just showed up at the end here to relay the good news.

So humble.

Status page updated. We’ve added a new incident.

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