
I started thinking about how to do this as well, and came up with a question…specifically about your implementation of PushBullet. It appears you only use PushBullet as the ‘glue’ to get to ITFFF so you can control the SmartThings devices, correct? It would seem you could replace this with an app and some get/post http code that would ‘push’ directly to the SmartThings cloud, similar to how SmartTiles or Simple Rules builder works. I know you mentioned you are not a coder, but I copied @625alex and @JoeC on this as they are the creators of the apps mentioned.


I just started reading up on web to SmartThings interfacing and believe I understand how the basics on how it is supposed to work, but wanted to verify with you both of your thoughts on how this might be implemented. I envision a simple SmartThings app that allows you to choose which devices can be accessed via the web. The more difficult part for me to understand is the http code that is required to ‘trip’ those devices…I know would need to use OAuth to accomplish this, but from there I don’t quite know what is next.

In addition, Eric’s example in this thread, I would see his EventGhost sending a ‘macro’ to a web page (PHP? Java?) with some sort of parameter that would trip the device. Since I am familiar with get/post, I see something like this “http://webserver.com/code.php?device=Kitchen&command=off”. However, I assume you wouldn’t want to call a web page and instead do some sort of curl command?

Can either of you give some pointers on how this might work? Also, since you already did a lot of the heavy lifting with getting this to work would you be interested in starting off some base code that has simple functionality? I could see this being used heavily by others as a ‘template’ to get them started building web-to-SmartThings interfaces.